Today we did a lot of touring. It was our last day, so we had to fit in all the rest! The first thing we did was go to the Mt. of Olives where we looked out over the ancient and new city of Jersusalem.
Jerusalem |
Then we began walking for the rest of the day. Throughout the day, we followed the places where Jesus walked carrying the cross. We stopped at many churches...but one of my favorites was the one at the Garden of Gethsemane. Also the one named St. Anns. Here, groups took turns singing and the acoustics were absolutely amazing. Our group got to go, and we sang a few songs and a lot of the tour groups after said that they wanted us to sing more because it was so beautiful.
Garden of Gethsemone |
In one of the churches... |
Cutest guy we've seen in far too long... |
got a close up...yup :) |
My favorite part of the day was going to the place where they think that Jesus was crucified. Our tour guide here was very short and to the point, so I was able to pay attention and really know and understand what he was saying. We walked into a garden that was near the supposed "skull of golgotha" and then had a tour. The place where he would have been crucified is actually now a bus station which I found ironic. In the ancient days, they would have taken Jesus to just a common place to be crucified, somewhere where everyone would be and could see. Today, it's a bus station where many people go every day, and it's just a common place. That was really interesting to me. Then lastly we ended up where the tomb that Jesus would have been buried in...there really aren't any words to describe the feeling and significance of I'm not sure I even want to try...
Skull of Golgotha |
In front of the tomb |
This is how we ended the day, and after a few songs, we were back on our way to the hotel. We had to wake up at midnight (again) to get to the airport in time because it took a really long time to go through security. Once I was through, I skyped Jordan from back home :)
When we landed back in Greece, it was cool weather, which was so nice to feel! It feels like real fall/winter now and I absolutely LOVE it. I got back to the Artemis and found a package from home and I was so happy, it pretty much made my whole entire day :)