Кαληµέρα! (That means goodmorning Greek!) So guess what?! I went on my very first cruise ever this past weekend! It was so much fun! I had a blast and so far this has been my favorite trip! There is so much to write about, so let's begin! We only had one day in between our Peloponnese Trip and the cruise, and so we had to unpack, wash clothes, and then pack again. It was crazy, but definitely worth it.
Our ship :) |
View from the port :) |
Day one: We have to wake up at 6 in the morning because our bus was leaving our school at 7 in the morning. (As you know for a college student, it is nearly impossible to wake up that early). But somehow, Ashlee and I were able to get up. Then we head to where we were to board the cruise ship. (We slept on the drive there). Once we get there, we had to go through security and passport control. That took for what seemed like forever. But finally! We were able to get to the ship. Once we got in the ship, I went to my room, and it was a really small room. Haha...I shared a room with two other girls, Kim and Mari. It was nice rooming with them because we all had just about the same sleeping patterns so that was nice. I also stayed with them at the Peloponnese Trip too in a hotel. So once we get settled in we had to go to a meeting about to learn more about our trip and how to embark at each stop. The lady that spoke to us knew like a million languages, so that was really cool! By the way, there were tons of different language speaking people on this cruise ship. French, Greek, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, everything! We were told that our first embarkation would be the island of Mykonos!
Mykonos: So we get to the island of Mykonos about 6 at night? I think so...it was about an hour before sunset, so yes. We were already told that this would be one of the most beautiful places (as if everything isn't beautiful here!!) but it truely was! It was one of my favorite. It was definitely what you might call a "party island" but since it's not necessarily touring season anymore...it wasn't that bad :) There were tons of tourists shops, but besides that it was probably one of the most beautiful islands I have ever seen! They had these really old windmills, and so of course we got a picture by them! Also! Like five minutes after we got on the island, we walked into this man who had a pelican for a pet! So duh of course we got a picture with that too! Although, I don't think it liked me very much cause every time I tried to get a picture with it, it would either move, or try to bite me...(as shown in picture). It was definitely an experience. Haha. The sunset was also sooo beautiful there. Then Ashlee and I just walked around the streets, and going into the little streets. Most of the buildings were white, which is so pretty, and had blue trim (just like you would imagine greece). (There was no historical relevance to this island. It was just fun!)
Me and ash :) |
Pelican didn't like me so much...haha |
Some of the buildings :) Love this picture... |
Windmills! |
The island :) |
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